
Our range of services provides solutions to all of your family’s financial needs.

Investment Planning and Asset Allocation

In the solar system all the stars are different from each other, likewise each investor is unique. We develop personalized investment strategies for all your investments, taking into consideration your liquidity, risk tolerance, time horizons and return expectation needs. The goal is to maximize the return of your overall investments within your risk profile, constantly seeking to optimize the effectiveness of your portfolio. Based on this premise, we work with you, as your representative across the table from your bankers and other investment specialists to suggest an Asset Allocation Strategy that would best fit your needs and goals. Investment diversification is vital to balance your portfolio and preserve it from market fluctuations. As within the universe, where each planet has its own place, each asset in the portfolio has a purpose. The three backbones of the Investment Planning Process are the following: a rational assessment of the different alternatives to avoid impulsive and emotional decision making; methodology and our team’s solid professional expertise.

Product Selection and Management

We choose the best-of-class in the financial world. Once the portfolio strategy is finalized, we carry out a thorough examination of the banks, products and managers available, to specifically assess returns, risks and costs. The goal is to determine the added value contributed by each of the managers. To carry out this analysis we rely on sophisticated information systems, specialized assessment companies and a broad network of professional contacts. Once this process is completed we point out the best alternatives for your specific situation.

Consolidation of Financial Statements

Only with clear and transparent information we can be certain that we are moving forward the right direction. For this purpose, we have developed a personalized information system of simple and detailed monthly statements that consolidate your portfolio and clearly show not only the returns of each investment, but also the income and expenses. Our reports are easy to read to avoid the confusion of traditional bank statements.

Monitoring and Control

The rigorous monitoring and control of your portfolio is an integral part of our services. We provide all the information you need to understand and evaluate the results obtained from the investment strategy and we carry out, along with you, an ongoing review and assessment of your investments. In a market that is constantly fluctuating, we recommend the necessary adjustments in order to regain the balance of your portfolio and continually synchronize your expectations, the market and your risk profile.

Education of Family Members

We believe in the importance of keeping our clients informed about the trends in financial wealth management and the evolution of financial markets. We, therefore offer our clients and their family members an ongoing educational process on these subjects.

Establishment of a Family Board

In most cases, the establishment of a Family Board is helpful to allow the participation of many generations in the management of their family wealth with the help of EUROCAPITAL advisors. As a result, younger members of the family start to share the responsibility of financial management with the most experienced ones to manage a satisfactory generational transition.

Family Philanthropy

EUROCAPITAL advisors can coordinate the family’s participation in philanthropic programs.

Administration of an outside network of Professionals

Considering your own personal and family situation, we work with industry specialists to help you build the right structure that best fits your needs. Such structure must be designed so that your assets can be managed in the most efficient way bearing in mind your needs of Confidentiality, Security and Estate Planning. If your family already has an investment vehicle (Foundations, Trusts, etc.), these can be reviewed to determine whether they are the best options.

Please not that EUROCAPITAL do not provide legal, tax, accounting or estate planning services.


The Adviser only accepts Accredited Investors as clients and does not provide Legal, Accounting or Tax Advice. The Adviser only transacts business in states where it is properly registered, or excluded or exempted from registration requirements.

Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Therefore, no current or prospective client should assume that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended and/or purchased by adviser), or product made reference to directly or indirectly on this Website, or indirectly via link to any unaffiliated third party Website, will be profitable or equal to corresponding indicated performance levels.

Different types of investment involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will either be suitable or profitable for a client’s investment portfolio. No client or prospective client should assume that any information presented and/or made available on this Website serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from the adviser or any other investment professional.

Historical performance results for investment indexes and/or categories generally do not reflect the deduction of transaction and/or custodial charges or the deduction of an investment-management fee, the incurrence of which would have the effect of decreasing historical performance results.

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